Review of Microsoft 365 Learning Pathways

I've recently been doing a series of reviews of different tools available to support organisations in their adoption efforts. In this post I will review Microsoft 365 Learning Pathways. This is one I have been planning to write up for a while. I've been able to use the solution a handful of times this year and have seen the benefit of provisioning it. What is Microsoft 365 Learning Pathways? Microsoft 365 Learning Pathways, is a customisable SharePoint Online communication site that is provisioned into your tenant with ready made resources for supporting end users using Microsoft 365. Once deployed you can customise the settings and create training playlists for your users. There is also the ability to integrate with Teams via the app bar. If you're looking to support your adoption efforts and provide your users with access to information and help on Microsoft 365 products, whether it's Excel or Microsoft Teams the site has videos and guides to support....