Creating a new site theme in SharePoint Online
SharePoint Online Site Themes: SharePoint comes with a number ready made out of the box themes that you can apply to your SharePoint site(s). The themes can transform your site to give it a more unique feel. You can change the theme by navigating to the Settings (Cog) > Change the look > Theme . Once there you will be presented with the available themes. More recently you are able to customise the out of the box themes. At the time of Although this allows you to customise existing themes you may not find the colours that match your branding. Often organisations want to use there own brand colours to personalise their SharePoint sites. With a few steps it is possible to create and import your own theme(s) in to your SharePoint environment. You can then utilise the theme(s) by adding them manually to sites or in your site designs. Benefits of having a custom site theme You or other site owners can switch to the company branded theme once added to your tenant It will be availab...